Sunday, February 14, 2010


Valentines Day and Chinese New Year!

The year of the Tiger! RAWR!!!!!!!!!

So, I think it's official...I really don't like Valentines day. Really. Maybe it will be different when I actually live with my boyfriend, but as for now, this day should be forgotten!

I was watching CBS Sunday Morning today and they had a clip on about Valentine's Day in Japan...really interesting. In Japan on this day, the woman have to buy all the men in their lives a box of chocolate. Then in a month, the men have to buy all the woman in their lives boxes of chocolate, it's called 'White Day'

Yesterday, I went thrift store shopping and found a vintage metal embroidery hoop...I already have an idea of what I am going to make. Probably tomorrow!

Awww...I started reading Handmade Nation today! Great so far...just wondering why it has taken me so long to read this book!!!

Till tomorrow...

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