Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Crafting and Cooking!

Today was a busy day.

I made this beautiful necklace and then it sold within a few awesome is that!!!
It's titled...Spring Bloom

Then I made this amazingly yummy Blueberry Chai spice bread

and, lastly some Coconut Shortbread cookies

I will post recipes at a later date.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Baby...I think not.

Ugggh...I really hate being called baby or babe. My boyfriend calls me those 'pet' names all the time. It wouldn't bother me so much if they were only used for me...but he calls EVERYONE that's a lady those names, his friends, his co-workers. It's not a 'pet' name or term of endearment if you are using it for every lady that is in your life. I actually find it a bit uncomfortable when being called baby or babe.

I would rather be called by just my name or nothing then be referred to as baby or babe.

Is it too much for a girl to ask that if her boyfriend feels the need to call her a 'pet' name that he uses it just for her?

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I admire people that do wet felting, there are some beautiful items that have been created!

So, I saw a link about felting over a bar of soap.

I figured that being new to felting that trying to wet felt over a bar of soap would be the easiest project to tackle.

Without further adieu, my felted bar of soap!

It's far from being perfect, but I think it was pretty good for a first project!


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Birthday Swap Love

I love check it out if you haven't been on there before.

I am doing a birthday swap. So...these are the goodies I made for the lucky birthday girl!

*coffee sugar body scrub*

*floral hair pins* (I love these and am making a ton more for my shop)

I've been busy...more goodies tomorrow!


Monday, February 15, 2010

Floral Love

I am in love with vintage flower linens...table cloths, curtains, hankies, everything.

I am proud to introduce the newest hankie in my vintage hankie collection...
Roses are Red (well, that's what I am going to call it!)

It's beautiful, I love it!

I was in an embroidery mood today so I made a piece inspired by a sonnet that Edna St. Vincent Millay wrote, here is part of it:

In loveliness, and cannot so erase
Its letters from my mind, that I may trace
You faultless, I must love until I die

Here's the piece:

It is stitched on a vintage floral table cloth. For sale on my Etsy store!


Sunday, February 14, 2010


Valentines Day and Chinese New Year!

The year of the Tiger! RAWR!!!!!!!!!

So, I think it's official...I really don't like Valentines day. Really. Maybe it will be different when I actually live with my boyfriend, but as for now, this day should be forgotten!

I was watching CBS Sunday Morning today and they had a clip on about Valentine's Day in Japan...really interesting. In Japan on this day, the woman have to buy all the men in their lives a box of chocolate. Then in a month, the men have to buy all the woman in their lives boxes of chocolate, it's called 'White Day'

Yesterday, I went thrift store shopping and found a vintage metal embroidery hoop...I already have an idea of what I am going to make. Probably tomorrow!

Awww...I started reading Handmade Nation today! Great so far...just wondering why it has taken me so long to read this book!!!

Till tomorrow...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Projects of the day...

So today was rather productive...

I made myself a pair of fleece mittens, made a pair of leg warmers for my Iggy, a cotton necklace, and my my first batch of sweet potato chips.

First up the sweet potato chips...oh my they were so yummy and so easy to make! I sliced them really thin and baked them in the oven with a bit of olive oil. When they were done I patted them off and sprinkled a mix of sea salt, garlic powder, white pepper, cayenne pepper, and brewers yeast. Seriously yummy!

My mittens, not perfect but I don't care they are for me!

My little Iggy's leg warmers...made with the same fleece.

Ahhh...the cotton necklace! Made with this sparkly gold cotton I had bought a few years ago. I was going to make a t-shirt dress for myself but never got around to it. The beads on the necklace came in this random bead bag of awesomeness I found at a rummage sale! I think they are vintage painted paper mache beads.

My mornings

Coffee + knitting = pure happiness

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I am not really huge on the whole celebration of Valentines Day, probably because I've never really had a boyfriend during this time of the year. Well...I made my boyfriend some heart shaped sugar cookies, a chocolate cake, a sweet little embroidery, plus a handmade card sent it out so that it will get there before the big V-Day.

He told me today that he sent me and Chloe a joint card! A JOINT CARD!!!! I know that she's his daughter and all but really, a joint card?!

Is this something I should be upset about????????

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Embroidered Self Portrait

So, today I was drawing with my daughter and drew this picture, she told me that it looks just like me! So I decided that I would make my first self portrait...embroidered!

Out with the old...

So, I started this blog a long time ago and well completely forgot about it! we go, AGAIN! I got rid of all my old posts and am starting fresh! My update my blog at least once a day!

It's almost Valentines day!

I made my honey a sweet little card and piece of embroidery, but of course I forgot to take a picture of it! Geeez!